Since the first days of our congregation in Italy, and through the years here in the United States, the activity and generosity of friends and benefactors have been a crucial sustaining force for our life and mission. By your gifts, you share in the Pauline mission and in the promise of St. Paul’s protection during your life.  

We remember those who have been generous with us in so many ways. With grateful hearts we offer a monthly Mass for your intentions in our motherhouse chapel and pray for specific intentions in the daily Prayer of the Faithful. The intentions sent to us are written into the prayer intention book the sisters read as they enter the chapel for their Eucharistic adoration each day. And daily our senior sisters offer you the support of their prayers as they remember each and every one of you in their rosaries and prayers.

We close with Paul’s own “thank you note” to the Philippians: “All the same it was good of you to share with me in my hardships. In the early days of the Good News…no other church helped me with gifts of money. You were the only one… It is not your gift that I value; what is valuable to me is the interest that is mounting up in your account. …In return my God will fulfill all your needs, in Christ Jesus, as lavishly as only God can” (4:14ff).

Living Christ. Giving Christ. Today.
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